<p>With every piece of content we publish, we aim to:</p>
<li><b>Empower.</b> Help people understand Ura Design by using language that informs them and encourages them to make the most of our products.</li>
<li><b>Respect.</b> Treat readers with the respect they deserve. Put yourself in their shoes, and don’t patronize them. Remember that they have other things to do. Be considerate and inclusive. Don’t market at people; communicate with them.</li>
<li><b>Educate.</b> Tell readers what they need to know, not just what we want to say. Give them the exact information they need, along with opportunities to learn more. Remember that you’re the expert, and readers don’t have access to everything you know.</li>
<li><b>Guide</b> Think of yourself as a tour guide for our readers. Whether you’re leading them through our website, apps, or educational materials, communicate in a friendly and helpful way.</li>
<li><b>Speak truth.</b> Understand Ura's place in our customers’ lives. Avoid dramatic storytelling and grandiose claims. Focus on our real strengths.</li>
<p>In order to achieve those goals, we make sure our content is:</p>
<li><b>Clear.</b> Understand the topic you’re writing about. Use simple words and sentences.</li>
<li><b>Useful.</b> Before you start writing, ask yourself: What purpose does this serve? Who is going to read it? What do they need to know?</li>
<li><b>Friendly.</b> Write like a human. Don’t be afraid to break a few rules if it makes your writing more relatable. All of our content, from splashy homepage copy to system alerts, should be warm and human.</li>
<li><b>Appropriate.</b> Write in a way that suits the situation. Just like you do in face-to-face conversations, adapt your tone depending on who you’re writing to and what you’re writing about.</li>
<p>Our personality sets the tone for interactions within I2P platforms.</br />
It reflects a wide variety of values from different backgrounds associated with I2P. It's vital that these values are recognizable in the external-facing software and mediums we build and maintain.</p>
<p>I2P is privacy-preserving software. As such, we have a responsibility to inform our users about possibilities and limitations without creating false expectations. Our software is used by people with different threat models and we don't assume any specific one for our users. I2P software is powerful but is prone to fail securing a user's identity if not properly configured. We don't over-promise about features in our software or the ease of using them. We are aware that our tools are at time complicated and strive to help and simplify this path.</p>
<p>We swim against the currents and many will disagree with our stance but we are used to that. Our position is clear and we can back it up by the work we do. While we strive for a world where everyone is in control of their privacy, we are aware of the many hurdles in practice. We take these into account in order to deliver the big picture, yet help users get from A to B.</p>
<p>We don't expect people to be of any skill level by default. I2P software should be designed to guide any user no matter their technical background. By doing this, we show patience and empathy. It's okay to take things slowly. Doing them right is more important.</p>
<p>It's very easy to derail and slip into tech jargon, but we strive to use the most simple wordings and explanation as possible. While complicated terms might be impressive in academic papers, we don't aim to impress users that way. Using simple language reflects our humility and makes our content and tools more accessible to global audiences.</p>
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<spanclass="text-muted small"> Styleguide code licensed under <ahref="https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT"class="rb-link"title="MIT"target="_blank">MIT</a>, documents licensed under a <ahref="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/"title="CC 3.0"target="_blank">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License</a>. I2P is an anonymous network, exposing a simple layer that applications can use to anonymously and securely send messages to each other.<br>Templates and styles based on the <ahref="https://reproducible-builds.org/style"target="_blank">Reproducible Builds styleguide</a>.</span>