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d="M53.3959 24.8843L12.2045 1.10215C6.78014 -2.02948 0 1.88529 0 8.14855V55.7126C0 61.9758 6.78014 65.8903 12.2045 62.7587L53.3962 38.9765C58.8203 35.8452 58.8203 28.0159 53.3959 24.8843ZM22.5752 45.4954H16.2004C13.0863 45.4954 10.5618 42.9708 10.5618 39.8568V12.7381H16.9366C20.0506 12.7381 22.5752 15.2626 22.5752 18.3767V45.4954ZM30.7067 45.4954C27.3796 45.4954 24.6822 42.7982 24.6822 39.4708C24.6822 36.1437 27.3793 33.4463 30.7067 33.4463C34.0338 33.4463 36.7313 36.1434 36.7313 39.4708C36.7313 42.7982 34.0341 45.4954 30.7067 45.4954Z"
d="M68.8884 44.3257H71.7225V20.8038L68.8884 22.1396V44.3257Z"
d="M82.8318 27.2866C80.5729 27.2866 78.7807 28.0635 77.4566 29.616C76.1315 31.1694 75.469 33.3033 75.469 36.018C75.469 38.7333 76.1312 40.8616 77.4566 42.4035C78.7811 43.9459 80.5729 44.7169 82.8318 44.7169C85.0907 44.7169 86.8825 43.9403 88.2073 42.3872C89.532 40.8347 90.1946 38.7005 90.1946 35.9851C90.1946 33.2705 89.532 31.1422 88.2073 29.6C86.8825 28.0579 85.0907 27.2866 82.8318 27.2866ZM86.1388 40.465C85.3457 41.5401 84.2436 42.0777 82.8318 42.0777C81.4196 42.0777 80.3179 41.5398 79.525 40.465C78.7322 39.3899 78.3359 37.9076 78.3359 36.018C78.3359 34.0852 78.7322 32.581 79.525 31.5062C80.3176 30.4308 81.4196 29.8935 82.8318 29.8935C84.2436 29.8935 85.3454 30.4367 86.1388 31.5222C86.9314 32.6089 87.328 34.0962 87.328 35.9855C87.328 37.8966 86.9314 39.3899 86.1388 40.465Z"
d="M103.943 29.0459C102.879 27.873 101.478 27.2866 99.7402 27.2866C97.6768 27.2866 96.0102 28.0635 94.7394 29.616C93.4688 31.1694 92.8335 33.2924 92.8335 35.9851C92.8335 38.7659 93.4797 40.9158 94.7719 42.4357C96.0638 43.9563 97.6877 44.7166 99.6424 44.7166C101.532 44.7166 102.965 44.0437 103.943 42.6964V44.7166C103.943 45.9323 103.481 46.8934 102.558 47.5995C101.635 48.3049 99.9682 48.7234 97.5574 48.8537L98.9257 51.0691C101.445 50.9169 103.383 50.2762 104.741 49.1466C106.098 48.0173 106.777 46.1823 106.777 43.6411V27.6776H103.943V29.0459H103.943ZM103.943 39.732C103.53 40.4484 102.982 41.0186 102.298 41.4421C101.613 41.8659 100.924 42.0777 100.229 42.0777C98.8819 42.0777 97.7905 41.5351 96.9547 40.4484C96.1183 39.3627 95.7004 37.875 95.7004 35.9851C95.7004 34.0307 96.0857 32.5271 96.857 31.4733C97.6276 30.4201 98.7515 29.8932 100.229 29.8932C100.88 29.8932 101.565 30.1 102.281 30.5122C102.998 30.9248 103.552 31.4573 103.943 32.1089V39.732Z"
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d="M160.76 27.6776H157.926V44.3257H160.76V27.6776Z"
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d="M175.453 28.8505C174.28 27.8079 172.879 27.2867 171.25 27.2867C169.165 27.2867 167.498 28.0579 166.25 29.6001C165 31.1423 164.376 33.2705 164.376 35.9852C164.376 38.6786 164.996 40.8072 166.234 42.371C167.471 43.9347 169.144 44.7166 171.251 44.7166C172.966 44.7166 174.367 44.1518 175.453 43.0225V44.3257H178.288V20.8038L175.453 22.1396V28.8505H175.453ZM175.453 39.8295C174.562 41.3281 173.292 42.0777 171.641 42.0777C170.294 42.0777 169.225 41.5023 168.432 40.3508C167.639 39.1995 167.243 37.7448 167.243 35.9849C167.243 34.0305 167.623 32.5269 168.383 31.4731C169.144 30.4199 170.229 29.893 171.641 29.893C173.292 29.893 174.562 30.5991 175.453 32.0106V39.8295V39.8295Z"
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d="M213.667 35.2033C213.667 32.5973 213.021 30.6263 211.729 29.2906C210.437 27.9549 208.791 27.287 206.793 27.287C204.556 27.287 202.764 28.0582 201.418 29.6004C200.071 31.1426 199.398 33.2708 199.398 35.9855C199.398 38.5705 200.066 40.6721 201.402 42.2898C202.737 43.9081 204.534 44.7169 206.793 44.7169C208.944 44.7169 210.735 43.9999 212.169 42.5664L210.442 40.6446C209.443 41.6436 208.248 42.1429 206.858 42.1429C205.599 42.1429 204.55 41.6815 203.715 40.7583C202.878 39.8358 202.406 38.6137 202.297 37.0935H213.57C213.635 36.4416 213.667 35.8117 213.667 35.2033ZM202.265 34.682C202.351 33.0534 202.807 31.8314 203.633 31.0173C204.458 30.2028 205.511 29.7955 206.793 29.7955C207.857 29.7955 208.785 30.1815 209.578 30.9521C210.371 31.7233 210.778 32.967 210.8 34.682H202.265V34.682Z"
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