<p><strong>Open Source Design Workshop #3 in Tirana</strong></p>
<p>July 14, 2018 @ 6 PM - 8 PM</p>
<p><ahref="https://osm.org/go/xexSkuSVJ?m="target="blank"> View address in OpenStreetMap</a></p>
<p>During July 14th we will have our 3rd edition of <ahref="https://ura.design/events/">Open Source Design (OSD) workshops</a>. This time our workshop will be focused on <ahref="https://identihub.co/">Identihub</a>, the open source software where you can host your brand’s visual assets. By “assets” we mean everything that can be related to your brand, like its logo, font(s), colour(s) and different icons. The participants will have the chance to create their own pages on Identuhub and explore the software's features.</p>
<p>On the second part, <ahref="https://ura.design/2018/06/17/welcoming-renata-uras-usability-researcher">Renata Gegaj</a> our <ahref="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usability_testing">Usability</a> expert will explain why Usability Studies are important, in order to have the best possible outcome with UX Design. She will showcase the projects she has been involved in the past and how Usability Study was conducted for them. </p>
<p> This workshop will be hosted at <ahref="openlabs.cc">Open Labs Hackerspace</a>, the local FLOSS community in Tirana. Join us! </p>
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<p>Made with <iclass="fa fa-heart"style="color: red;"aria-hidden="true"></i> in <ahref="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tirana"target="_blank">Tirana, Albania</a><p>
<p>Committed to Free Software, Internet Freedom, and <ahref="http://opensourcedesign.net/">Open Source Design</a></p>
<p> Trademarks are property of their respective owners. All site content, unless otherwise noted, is licensed <ahref="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0">CC BY-SA 4.0 International</a> by Ura Design</p>