<p>While we specialize in working with Open Source and Internet Freedom Projects, we understand that every community might have different needs and aim to accommodate those in our design processes.</p>
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<h3>Visual Identity</h3>
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<h3>Brand Strategy</h3>
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<h3>UX Design</h3>
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<h2>Our process</h2>
<p>We adapt to your consensus model by applying best practices in Open Source Design</p>
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<p>Some projects have a single contact point, while some others work with community consensus. We reseach what the best approach is and propose an action plan tailored to the specific project.</p>
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<p>We draft the first proposals and iterate based on feedback, while documenting the steps we took in the open, preferably GitHub.</p>
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<p>Once the final work is taking shape we start implementing the designs and help projects along the way if any need arises. We share our work in the open afterwards.</p>
<p>We now offer <ahref="https://ura.design/2018/03/31/introducing-cryptopayments-for-our-services">cryptocurrency payments</a> for our services</p>
<ahref="request"class="button blue boxed">Let's talk</a>
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<p>Made with <iclass="fa fa-heart"style="color: red;"aria-hidden="true"></i> in <ahref="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tirana"target="_blank">Tirana, Albania</a><p>
<p>Committed to Free Software, Internet Freedom, and <ahref="http://opensourcedesign.net/">Open Source Design</a></p>
<p> Trademarks are property of their respective owners. All site content, unless otherwise noted, is licensed <ahref="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0">CC BY-SA 4.0 International</a> by Ura Design</p>