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Logos and brand guidelines is where our roots are. Ura has helped over 100 open source projects with branding and design services.
We are specialized in decentralized design patterns and can help polish your product experience with a design system and UX audit.
We help you improve usability by conducting interviews with users. Need to meet accessibility standards? We can help.
Our design process is shaped by open source tools and our works are published in the open under open licenses. Pssht... even this very website is open source.
We helped shape a living style guide and design system for SecureDrop, closely working together with Freedom of the Press.
SecureDrop Style GuideWe created the new Thunderbird brand and helped the project with extensive usability research.
Thunderbird Case StudyWe designed the branding and visual identity for the LibreOffice Conference 2018 which took place in our home town: Tirana.
LibOCon 2018 IdentityNot sure yet? Shoot us an email for more info or schedule a free consultation