Lavar Jekyll Theme

Documentation by Andy Lu

Thanks for buying "Lavar", a creative responsive Jekyll theme for many purposes, it could be used as company, design studio, business or portfolio websites.


  ~ $ gem install jekyll
  ~ $ cd lavar
  ~/lavar $ jekyll serve
  # => Now browse to http://localhost:4000

HTML Structure

This template is based on foundation framework, to understand what the "row" and "column" classes mean, please refer to the foundation documentation.


  HTML files:

    1. blog.html -> the blog layout file
    2. default.html -> the default layout file
    3. post.html -> blog post layout file

    1. index.html -> the blog index page


CSS Structure

The CSS files are based on foundation framework. You can find the original scss files in scss folder


  CSS files:
  1. css/responsive.css -> responsive settings
  2. css/app.css -> foundation framework
  3. css/style.css -> main style
  4. css/font-awesome.css -> font awesome icon font


Javascript Structure


  Javascript files:

  1. app.js -> main javascript file
  2. jquery.superslides.min.js
  3. jquery.validate.js
  4. slick.min.js
  5. wow.min.js
  6. bower_components/ -> third party js libs


Contact form and Comments

They are just placeholders, just the design. Regarding the contat form, you have to implement the backend for sending email, usually that is done by a PHP script. For the comments, you can look into Disqus.

Version and updates

Version: 1.0

Date of release: 2016/04/06

  * initial release

Version history:
  * 2015/04/06 initial release


  * Chivo:
  * Josefin:

  * "Linea icons":

  * "unsplash":
  * "pixeden":
  * "Freepik":
  * "The stocks":
  * "Retro logos":
  * "cheerful young man":
  * "man talk to cellphone":
  * "funny face":
  * "man surprised face":
  * "surprise man":
  * "happy man smiling":
  * "woman 1":
  * "woman 2":
  * "package":
  * "lamps":
  * "lights":
  * "spices":
  * "woman":
  * "models":
  * "chair":
  * "Brandbook":
  * "danielviero":

Thanks again for purchasing this template.
Please contact me via if you want to.
And please go to your themeforest downloads page to rate this template when you have time.