<!DOCTYPE html>
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    <div id='main'>
        Lavar Jekyll Theme
      <p id='author'>Documentation by Andy Lu</p>
      <p id='intro'>
        Thanks for buying
        a creative responsive Jekyll theme for many purposes, it could be used as company, design studio, business or portfolio websites.
      <div class='section'>
  ~ $ gem install jekyll
  ~ $ cd lavar
  ~/lavar $ jekyll serve
  # => Now browse to http://localhost:4000

        <h2>HTML Structure</h2>
          This template is based on
          <a target="_blank" href="http://foundation.zurb.com/">foundation</a>
          framework, to understand what the "row" and "column" classes mean, please refer to the foundation
          <a target="_blank" href="http://foundation.zurb.com/docs">documentation</a>.


  HTML files:

    1. blog.html -> the blog layout file
    2. default.html -> the default layout file
    3. post.html -> blog post layout file

    1. index.html -> the blog index page


      <div class='section'>
        <h2>CSS Structure</h2>
          The CSS files are based on
          <a target="_blank" href="http://foundation.zurb.com/">foundation</a>
          framework. You can find the original scss files in scss folder


  CSS files:
  1. css/responsive.css -> responsive settings
  2. css/app.css -> foundation framework
  3. css/style.css -> main style
  4. css/font-awesome.css -> font awesome icon font

      <div class='section'>
        <h2>Javascript Structure</h2>


  Javascript files:

  1. app.js -> main javascript file
  2. jquery.superslides.min.js
  3. jquery.validate.js
  4. slick.min.js
  5. wow.min.js
  6. bower_components/ -> third party js libs

      <div class='section'>
        <h2>Contact form and Comments</h2>
          They are just placeholders, just the design. Regarding the contat form, you have to implement the backend for sending email, usually that is done by a PHP script. For the comments, you can look into Disqus.
      <div class='section'>
        <h2>Version and updates</h2>

Version: 1.0

Date of release: 2016/04/06

  * initial release

Version history:
  * 2015/04/06 initial release
      <div class='section'>

  * Chivo: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/chivo
  * Josefin: https://www.google.com/fonts#UsePlace:use/Collection:Josefin+Sans

  * "Linea icons":http://linea.io/

  * "unsplash":http://unsplash.com
  * "pixeden":http://pixeden.com/
  * "Freepik":http://www.freepik.com
  * "The stocks":http://thestocks.im/
  * "Retro logos":https://www.flickr.com/photos/jordanlloyd/
  * "cheerful young man":http://photodune.net/item/cheerful-young-man/11602034
  * "man talk to cellphone":http://photodune.net/item/man-talk-to-cellphone/11602062
  * "funny face":http://photodune.net/item/a-real-funny-face-captured-in-high-detail/7248135
  * "man surprised face":http://photodune.net/item/portrait-of-a-man-surprised-face-expression/7248125
  * "surprise man":http://photodune.net/item/man-with-a-surprised-facial-expression-surprise-man-screaming/10450453
  * "happy man smiling":http://photodune.net/item/happy-man-smiling/10852584
  * "woman 1":http://photodune.net/item/woman/1796399
  * "woman 2":http://photodune.net/item/woman/1796396
  * "package":https://www.flickr.com/photos/colindunn/
  * "lamps":https://www.flickr.com/photos/jurgenleckie/
  * "lights":https://www.flickr.com/photos/lightyearsdk/
  * "spices":https://www.flickr.com/photos/68711844@N07/
  * "woman":https://www.flickr.com/photos/jeffipod
  * "models":https://www.flickr.com/photos/beautyleg/
  * "chair":https://www.flickr.com/photos/wicker-furniture/
  * "Brandbook":https://www.flickr.com/photos/brandbook
  * "danielviero":https://www.flickr.com/photos/danielviero
      <p id='rate'>
        Thanks again for purchasing this template.
        Please contact me via
        <a href='mailto:honryou@gmail.com'>honryou@gmail.com</a>
        if you want to.
        And please go to your themeforest downloads page to rate this template when you have time.