 * Unicode special character support
 * Detection is made by testing missing glyph box rendering against star character
 * If widths are the same, this "probably" means the browser didn't support the star character and rendered a glyph box instead
 * Just need to ensure the font characters have different widths
 * Warning : positive Unicode support doesn't mean you can use it inside <title>, this seams more related to OS & Language packs
Modernizr.addTest('unicode', function() {
	var bool,

		missingGlyph = document.createElement('span'),
		star = document.createElement('span');

	Modernizr.testStyles('#modernizr{font-family:Arial,sans;font-size:300em;}', function(node) {

		missingGlyph.innerHTML = '&#5987';
		star.innerHTML = '&#9734';		
		bool = 'offsetWidth' in missingGlyph && missingGlyph.offsetWidth !== star.offsetWidth;

	return bool;
