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2 years ago
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><!--! Font Awesome Pro 6.2.0 by @fontawesome - License - (Commercial License) Copyright 2022 Fonticons, Inc. --><defs><style>.fa-secondary{opacity:.4}</style></defs><path class="fa-primary" d="M438.6 105.4C451.1 117.9 451.1 138.1 438.6 150.6L342.6 246.6C330.1 259.1 309.9 259.1 297.4 246.6C284.9 234.1 284.9 213.9 297.4 201.4L338.7 159.1H128C92.65 159.1 64 188.7 64 223.1V255.1C64 273.7 49.67 287.1 32 287.1C14.33 287.1 0 273.7 0 255.1V223.1C0 153.3 57.31 95.1 128 95.1H338.7L297.4 54.63C284.9 42.13 284.9 21.87 297.4 9.372C309.9-3.124 330.1-3.124 342.6 9.372L438.6 105.4z"/><path class="fa-secondary" d="M342.6 361.4C355.1 373.9 355.1 394.1 342.6 406.6L246.6 502.6C234.1 515.1 213.9 515.1 201.4 502.6C188.9 490.1 188.9 469.9 201.4 457.4L242.7 416H96C78.33 416 64 430.3 64 448V480C64 497.7 49.67 512 32 512C14.33 512 0 497.7 0 480V448C0 394.1 42.98 352 96 352H242.7L201.4 310.6C188.9 298.1 188.9 277.9 201.4 265.4C213.9 252.9 234.1 252.9 246.6 265.4L342.6 361.4z"/></svg>