summary = "AsciiDoc is a plain text markup language for writing technical content. We were approached by the AsciiDoc working group to create a coherent brand identity and website to serve as the home for the AsciiDoc language."
summary = "We provided a new visual style for CalyxOS, concretized into graphics to illustrate their main concepts and new wallpaper images for the Operating System."
summary = "Wir haben eine virtuelle Demo-Woche entwickelt, um Projekte aus den Runden 7-10 des deutschen Prototype Fund die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihre Arbeit in einer virtuellen Umgebung zu präsentieren."
title = "Oxidize - The Conference of embedded Rust"
summary = "We created the brand and visual identity for Oxidize, designing every digital and print asset for the conference and providing a long-term design solution."
summary = "We helped Stackspin, previously known as OpenAppStack, build their new brand personality and visual identity conducting user experience research to provide relevant experience to their users."
summary = "Totem is an online learning platform that offers educational courses about digital security and privacy in a safe, online classroom environment. We helped them refresh their visual identity and explain technical concepts in a more visual way."
summary = "AsciiDoc is a plain text markup language for writing technical content. We were approached by the AsciiDoc working group to create a coherent brand identity and website to serve as the home for the AsciiDoc language."
summary = "We provided a new visual style for CalyxOS, concretized into graphics to illustrate their main concepts and new wallpaper images for the Operating System."
summary = "We developed a virtual demo week experience to enable projects from Rounds 7-10 of the German Prototype Fund to showcase their work in a virtual setting."
title = "Oxidize - The Conference of embedded Rust"
summary = "We created the brand and visual identity for Oxidize, designing every digital and print asset for the conference and providing a long-term design solution."
summary = "We helped Stackspin, previously known as OpenAppStack, build their new brand personality and visual identity conducting user experience research to provide relevant experience to their users."
summary = "Totem is an online learning platform that offers educational courses about digital security and privacy in a safe, online classroom environment. We helped them refresh their visual identity and explain technical concepts in a more visual way."
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