title = "Bridgebeam - ongoing design support for any budget"
authors = ["ergi"]
date = "2023-09-16 13:30:00 +0200"
image = "/img/blog/bridgebeam-thumbnail.webp"
categories = ["News"]

Over our years immersed in the open source community, we’ve forged invaluable relationships. This spans both commercial and non-profit open source projects. Many of these collaborations entailed continuous projects that often involved paperwork and, for organizations, even procurement processes.

From our interactions, a recurring sentiment emerged: many clients expressed a preference for a more structured engagement with us. They desired a support contract model, where they could allocate a set monthly budget. In return, we’d reserve dedicated time for them consistently each month.

Navigating the digital landscape is no easy task, especially for organizations in the open source and non-profit sectors. These sectors have unique challenges that can sometimes feel overwhelming. With this understanding, we’re delighted to introduce Bridgebeam, a SaaS-like design subscription site powered by Ura.

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## Why Bridgebeam?

**Genuine Understanding**: We've specifically focused on the open source and non-profit sectors. We're not just here to make things pretty; we're here to understand and solve real problems.

**Straightforward**: There’s no fine print. You subscribe when our services align with your needs and there's no obligation to continue. We value our relationship more than a contract.

**360 degrees support**: Whether it’s improving user experience, establishing a memorable brand, or developing a website, we’re here to guide and support.

## Benefits

**Practical Insights**: We'll work with you to find tangible ways to improve your online presence and user experience.

**Inclusive Design**: We're committed to ensuring your digital platforms are accessible to everyone, a fundamental principle we deeply care about.

**Effective Designs & Reliable Development:** We focus on creating interfaces and sites that not only look good but also work seamlessly.

**Simple Design requests**: Simply add a request via GitHub or Trello. Feedback and iterations are handled seamlessly there and you can have a simple overview over all your requests.

Are you curious about how we can collaborate? Subscriptions start from as low as 400 EUR (excl. VAT). You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel your plan as needed. Find out more about our service offerings and see if we might be a good fit.

[Bridgebeam link](https://bridgebeam.design)