# Translations for English # https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/#translation-of-strings # Generic [translations] other = "Translations" [postAvailable] other = "Also available in" [skipLink] other = "Skip to content" [next] other = "Next" [contact] other = "Contact" [newsletter] other = "Newsletter" [toggle] other = "Toggle High Contrast" [seeOur] other = "See our" [work] other = "Work" [clients] other = "Clients" # Homepage [homeTitle] other = "We help open source projects succeed." [homeSubtitle] other = "Ura is the design studio dedicated to making open source software more usable, accessible and competitive." [featuredStudies] other = "Featured Case Studies" [moreStudies] other = "More Case Studies" # About [expertise] other = "Our Expertise" [aboutTitle] other = "Open Source and Usability belong together" [aboutSubtitle] other = "Ura is a design agency working on open source and privacy-preserving software. We've been supporting software projects since 2016 to be the best they can be. Our team is based in Tirana (Albania), Prishtina (Kosovo) and Berlin (Germany)." [whoareWe] other = "Who are we?" # Contact [getinTouch] other = "Get in touch" [contactTeam] other = "Have a challenge? Get in touch with our team to discuss how we can help." [preferCall] other = "Prefer to talk over a call?" [scheduleCall] other = "Schedule a call" [helpProject] other = "Can we help on your project?" [contactUs] other = "Contact us" [weareOn] other = "We are on" # Footer [letsTalk] other = "Let's talk" # Works [allWorks] other = "All Works" [ourWork] other = "Our Work" [workTagged] other = "Work tagged as" [Branding] other = "Branding" [Illustrations] other = "Illustrations" [InteractionDesign] other = "Interaction Design" [UXResearch] other = "UX Research" [WebDevelopment] other = "Web Development" [Accessibility] other = "Accessibility" [LayoutDesign] other = "Layout Design" [services] other = "Services" [links] other = "Links" [sources] other = "Sources" [overview] other = "Back to overview" # 404.html [archives] other = "Posts" [home] other = "Home" [notFound] other = "Oops, page not found…" # Blog [newerPosts] other = "Newer posts" [olderPosts] other = "Older posts" # posts/single.html [readingTime] one = "One minute" other = "{{ .Count }} minutes" [tableOfContents] other = "Table of Contents" [wordCount] one = "One Word" other = "{{ .Count }} Words" [publishDate] other = "Published on" [updatedOn] other = "last updated on"