The repo tracks work progress for website redesign
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

255 lines
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// Default colors
$white: #ffffff;
$black: #000000;
$contrast: #73afea;
// Indigo
$indigo-list: (
"50": #f7f7ff,
"100": #ebebfa,
"200": #d1d1f0,
"300": #a6a6de,
"400": #7c7ccc,
"500": #6666c4,
"600": #5b5bbd,
"700": #4b4ba3,
"800": #393982,
"900": #292961,
"950": #1a1a40,
$indigo-50: map-get($indigo-list, "50");
$indigo-100: map-get($indigo-list, "100");
$indigo-200: map-get($indigo-list, "200");
$indigo-300: map-get($indigo-list, "300");
$indigo-400: map-get($indigo-list, "400");
$indigo-500: map-get($indigo-list, "500");
$indigo-600: map-get($indigo-list, "600");
$indigo-700: map-get($indigo-list, "700");
$indigo-800: map-get($indigo-list, "800");
$indigo-900: map-get($indigo-list, "900");
$indigo-950: map-get($indigo-list, "950");
// Blue
$blue-list: (
"50": #f6fafe,
"100": #e4f0fb,
"200": #b8d6f4,
"300": #73afea,
"400": #418cd8,
"500": #1f78d1,
"600": #1b69b6,
"700": #17599c,
"800": #134a81,
"900": #0f3b66,
"950": #0a2744,
$blue-50: map-get($blue-list, "50");
$blue-100: map-get($blue-list, "100");
$blue-200: map-get($blue-list, "200");
$blue-300: map-get($blue-list, "300");
$blue-400: map-get($blue-list, "400");
$blue-500: map-get($blue-list, "500");
$blue-600: map-get($blue-list, "600");
$blue-700: map-get($blue-list, "700");
$blue-800: map-get($blue-list, "800");
$blue-900: map-get($blue-list, "900");
$blue-950: map-get($blue-list, "950");
// Green
$green-list: (
"50": #f1fdf6,
"100": #dcf5e7,
"200": #b3e6c8,
"300": #75d09b,
"400": #37b96d,
"500": #1aaa55,
"600": #168f48,
"700": #12753a,
"800": #0e5a2d,
"900": #0a4020,
"950": #072b15,
$green-50: map-get($green-list, "50");
$green-100: map-get($green-list, "100");
$green-200: map-get($green-list, "200");
$green-300: map-get($green-list, "300");
$green-400: map-get($green-list, "400");
$green-500: map-get($green-list, "500");
$green-600: map-get($green-list, "600");
$green-700: map-get($green-list, "700");
$green-800: map-get($green-list, "800");
$green-900: map-get($green-list, "900");
$green-950: map-get($green-list, "950");
// Gray
$gray-list: (
"50": #fafafa,
"100": #f4f4f5,
"200": #e4e4e7,
"300": #d4d4d8,
"400": #a1a1aa,
"500": #71717a,
"600": #52525b,
"700": #3f3f46,
"800": #27272a,
"900": #18181b,
"950": #0c0c0e,
$gray-50: map-get($gray-list, "50");
$gray-100: map-get($gray-list, "100");
$gray-200: map-get($gray-list, "200");
$gray-300: map-get($gray-list, "300");
$gray-400: map-get($gray-list, "400");
$gray-500: map-get($gray-list, "500");
$gray-600: map-get($gray-list, "600");
$gray-700: map-get($gray-list, "700");
$gray-800: map-get($gray-list, "800");
$gray-900: map-get($gray-list, "900");
$gray-950: map-get($gray-list, "950");
// Slate
$slate-list: (
"50": #F8FAFC,
"100": #F1F5F9,
"200": #E2E8F0,
"300": #CBD5E1,
"400": #94A3B8,
"500": #64748B,
"600": #475569,
"700": #334155,
"800": #1E293B,
"900": #0F172A,
$slate-50: map-get($slate-list, "50");
$slate-100: map-get($slate-list, "100");
$slate-200: map-get($slate-list, "200");
$slate-300: map-get($slate-list, "300");
$slate-400: map-get($slate-list, "400");
$slate-500: map-get($slate-list, "500");
$slate-600: map-get($slate-list, "600");
$slate-700: map-get($slate-list, "700");
$slate-800: map-get($slate-list, "800");
$slate-900: map-get($slate-list, "900");
// Orange
$orange-list: (
"50": #fffaf4,
"100": #fff1de,
"200": #fed69f,
"300": #fdbc60,
"400": #fca429,
"500": #fc9403,
"600": #de7e00,
"700": #c26700,
"800": #a35200,
"900": #853c00,
"950": #592800,
$orange-50: map-get($orange-list, "50");
$orange-100: map-get($orange-list, "100");
$orange-200: map-get($orange-list, "200");
$orange-300: map-get($orange-list, "300");
$orange-400: map-get($orange-list, "400");
$orange-500: map-get($orange-list, "500");
$orange-600: map-get($orange-list, "600");
$orange-700: map-get($orange-list, "700");
$orange-800: map-get($orange-list, "800");
$orange-900: map-get($orange-list, "900");
$orange-950: map-get($orange-list, "950");
// Red
$red-list: (
"50": #fef6f5,
"100": #fbe5e1,
"200": #f2b4a9,
"300": #ea8271,
"400": #e05842,
"500": #db3b21,
"600": #c0341d,
"700": #a62d19,
"800": #8b2615,
"900": #711e11,
"950": #4b140b,
$red-50: map-get($red-list, "50");
$red-100: map-get($red-list, "100");
$red-200: map-get($red-list, "200");
$red-300: map-get($red-list, "300");
$red-400: map-get($red-list, "400");
$red-500: map-get($red-list, "500");
$red-600: map-get($red-list, "600");
$red-700: map-get($red-list, "700");
$red-800: map-get($red-list, "800");
$red-900: map-get($red-list, "900");
$red-950: map-get($red-list, "950");
// Dynamic background and color classes creation
@each $value in $indigo-list {
.background-indigo-#{nth($value, 1)} {
background-color: nth($value, 2) !important;
.color-indigo-#{nth($value, 1)} {
color: nth($value, 2) !important;
@each $value in $blue-list {
.background-blue-#{nth($value, 1)} {
background-color: nth($value, 2) !important;
.color-blue-#{nth($value, 1)} {
color: nth($value, 2) !important;
@each $value in $green-list {
.background-green-#{nth($value, 1)} {
background-color: nth($value, 2) !important;
.color-green-#{nth($value, 1)} {
color: nth($value, 2) !important;
@each $value in $gray-list {
.background-gray-#{nth($value, 1)} {
background-color: nth($value, 2) !important;
.color-gray-#{nth($value, 1)} {
color: nth($value, 2) !important;
@each $value in $slate-list {
.background-slate-#{nth($value, 1)} {
background-color: nth($value, 2) !important;
.color-slate-#{nth($value, 1)} {
color: nth($value, 2) !important;
@each $value in $orange-list {
.background-orange-#{nth($value, 1)} {
background-color: nth($value, 2) !important;
.color-orange-#{nth($value, 1)} {
color: nth($value, 2) !important;
@each $value in $red-list {
.background-red-#{nth($value, 1)} {
background-color: nth($value, 2) !important;
.color-red-#{nth($value, 1)} {
color: nth($value, 2) !important;