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{{ $theme := .Page.Params.theme }}
{{ $param := .Page.Params }}
{{ $text := .Page.Params.text }}
{{ $type := .Page.Type }}
{{ $home := .IsHome }}
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{{ else if eq .Page.Type "about" }}
{{ partial "logo.html" "white" }}
{{ else if isset .Page.Params "text" }}
{{ partial "logo.html" $.Page.Params.text }}
{{ else }}
{{ partial "logo.html" "default" }}
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{{- $firstUrlElement := print "/" (index (split .RelPermalink "/") 2) "/" -}}
{{- range .Site.Menus.main -}}
<li class="nav-item ms-4">
<a class="nav-link {{ if eq $theme "dark" }}txt-white{{ else if eq $theme "light" }}txt-dark{{ else if $home }}txt-white{{ else if eq $type "about" }}txt-white{{ else }}{{ end }} {{ if eq ($firstUrlElement|lower) (.URL|lower) }}active{{end}}" {{ if eq
($firstUrlElement|lower) (.URL|lower) }}aria-current="page" {{end}} {{ if isset $param "text" }}style="color: {{ $text }};"{{ end }} href="{{ .URL | absLangURL }}">{{ .Name }}</a>
{{ end }}
<li class="nav-item ms-4 {{ if eq $theme "dark" }}txt-white{{ else if eq $theme "light" }}txt-dark{{ else if $home }}txt-white{{ else if eq $type "about" }}txt-white{{ else }}{{ end }}" {{ if isset $param "text" }}style="color: {{ $text }} !important;"{{ end }}>
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{{ if .Site.IsMultiLingual }}
<div class="ms-4 d-flex align-items-center">
{{ range .Site.Languages }}
{{ if eq . $.Site.Language }}
<li class="nav-item ms-2">
<p class="nav-link active language text-uppercase mb-0 {{ if eq $theme "dark" }}background-white{{ else if eq $theme "light" }}txt-dark background-white{{ else if $home }}color-blue-500 background-white{{ else if eq $type "about" }}color-blue-500 background-white{{ else }}txt-white background-blue-500{{ end }}" {{ if eq $.Params.text "#FFFFFF" }}style="color: {{ $.Params.background }} !important;"{{ else }}{{ end }}>{{ .Lang }}</p>
{{ else }}
{{ range $.Translations }}
<li class="nav-item ms-2">
<a class="nav-link language text-uppercase {{ if eq $theme "dark" }}txt-white{{ else if eq $theme "light" }}txt-dark{{ else if $home }}txt-white{{ else if eq $type "about" }}txt-white{{ else }}{{ end }}" {{ if isset $param "text" }}style="color: {{ $text }};"{{ end }} href ="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Lang }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
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<a aria-label="Ura Logo" class="brand" href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}">
{{ if .IsHome }}
{{ partial "logo.html" "white" }}
{{ else if eq .Page.Type "about" }}
{{ partial "logo.html" "white" }}
{{ else if isset .Page.Params "text" }}
{{ partial "logo.html" $.Page.Params.text }}
{{ else }}
{{ partial "logo.html" "white" }}
{{ end }}
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{{- $firstUrlElement := print "/" (index (split .RelPermalink "/") 1) "/" -}}
{{- range .Site.Menus.main -}}
<a class="{{ if eq ($firstUrlElement|lower) (.URL|lower) }}active{{end}}" {{ if eq
($firstUrlElement|lower) (.URL|lower) }}aria-current="page" {{end}} {{ if isset $param "text" }}style="color: {{ $text }};"{{ end }} href="{{ .URL | absLangURL }}">{{ .Name }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ if .IsTranslated }}
{{ range .Translations }}
<a class="language text-uppercase" {{ if isset $param "text" }}style="color: {{ $text }};"{{ end }} href ="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Lang }}</a>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
function openNav() {
document.getElementById("navbar-mobile").style.height = "100%";
function closeNav() {
document.getElementById("navbar-mobile").style.height = "0%";