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initial german translation

Elio Qoshi 6 years ago
  1. 22
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  3. 8
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@ -3,39 +3,39 @@
<svg width="46" height="44" viewBox="0 0 46 44" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M21.0979 1.8541C21.6966 0.0114772 24.3034 0.0114801 24.9021 1.8541L28.8374 13.9656C29.1051 14.7896 29.873 15.3475 30.7395 15.3475H43.4742C45.4117 15.3475 46.2172 17.8268 44.6498 18.9656L34.3472 26.4509C33.6462 26.9601 33.3529 27.8629 33.6206 28.6869L37.5559 40.7984C38.1546 42.641 36.0456 44.1732 34.4782 43.0344L24.1756 35.5492C23.4746 35.0399 22.5254 35.0399 21.8244 35.5492L11.5218 43.0344C9.95438 44.1732 7.84542 42.641 8.44413 40.7984L12.3794 28.6869C12.6471 27.8629 12.3538 26.9601 11.6528 26.4509L1.35021 18.9656C-0.217217 17.8268 0.588336 15.3475 2.52578 15.3475H15.2605C16.127 15.3475 16.8949 14.7896 17.1626 13.9656L21.0979 1.8541Z" fill="black"/>
<p class="bold heading">Get your custom logo</p>
<p class="mb-3">Get your own minimal logo with a turnaround which suits you.</p>
<p class="bold heading">Hol dir dein eigenes Logo</p>
<p class="mb-3">Hol dir dein eigenes minimales Logo mit einer Bearbeitungszeit die dir passt.</p>
<div class="pt-3 pb-2 align-left">
<form action="" method="POST">
<label for="name">What’s the <strong>Name</strong> of your project you need a logo for?</label>
<label for="name">Wie ist der<strong>Name</strong> deines Projektes wofür du ein Logo brauchst?</label>
<input id="name" name='name' placeholder='Project Name' type='text' required>
<div class="pt-2">
<label for="E-mail">What is your <strong>Email Address</strong>?</label>
<label for="E-mail">Wie ist deine <strong>Email Adresse</strong>?</label>
<input id="E-mail" name='E-mail' placeholder='E-Mail' type='email' required>
<div class="pt-2">
<label for="message">Tell us more about your project. What type of logo are you looking for? What is the audience and what do you aim to accomplish with your project? Help us help you.</label>
<label for="message">Erzähle uns mehr über dein Projekt. Was für ein Logostil gefällt dir? Wer ist das Publikum und was willst du mit dem Projekt erreichen? Hilf uns dir zu helfen.</label>
<textarea id="message" name='message' placeholder='' required></textarea>
<div class="pt-2">
<label for="budget">Name a <strong>Price</strong> (USD $)</label>
<label for="budget">Nenne einen <strong>Preis</strong> (USD $)</label>
<input id="budget" name='budget' placeholder='' type='number' min="100" max="9999999" required oninvalid="setCustomValidity('Minimum price is $100 USD')" oninput="setCustomValidity('')">
<div class="center pt-3">
<input class="button-submit" type="submit" value="Submit logo request">
<p class="pt-1 size-14">*Form powered by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Formspree</a>
<p class="pt-1 size-14">*Form mit <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Formspree</a> gebaut
<p class="pt-1 pb-2">Every logo gets the fully fledged treatment from us. The higher your<br> bid is, the quicker we can get your logo up to speed.</p>
<p class="pt-1 pb-2">Jedes Logo bekommt von uns dieselbe vollwertige Behandlung. Je höher dein Gebot ist, desto schneller können wir dein Logo entwerfen.</p>
<div class="pt-2">
<p class="bold">Clients we worked with:</p>
<p class="bold">Unsere Kunden:</p>
<div class="row grayscale">
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@ -55,11 +55,11 @@
<div class="pt-2">
<svg xmlns="" width="46" height="44"><path d="M40.763 7.46L24.56.7a4.063 4.063 0 0 0-3.114 0L5.245 7.46c-1.5.624-2.498 2.1-2.498 3.738 0 16.75 9.662 28.328 18.69 32.092.996.413 2.118.413 3.114 0 7.232-3.013 18.7-13.417 18.7-32.092a4.05 4.05 0 0 0-2.489-3.738zM23.008 38.058L23 5.908l14.843 6.185c-.278 12.776-6.928 22.033-14.835 25.965z"/></svg>
<p class="bold">Not satisfied?<br/>We offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee.</p>
<p class="bold">Nicht zufrieden?<br/>Wir bieten eine 100% Geld-zurück-Garantie.</p>
<div class="pt-2 pb-2">
<p>Questions? <a href="">Contact us</a>.</p>
<p>Fragen? <a href="">Kontaktiere uns</a>.</p>


@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
<path d="M31.9001 38.1002C36.3487 35.2627 39.5354 30.8228 40.8001 25.7002C36.3673 21.8764 30.9071 19.4419 25.1001 18.7002L31.9001 38.1002Z" fill="#B2B2B2"/>
<path d="M41.4 21.7V20.7C41.4 15.21 39.2191 9.94489 35.3371 6.06289C31.4551 2.18089 26.19 0 20.7 0C15.21 0 9.94489 2.18089 6.06289 6.06289C2.18089 9.94489 0 15.21 0 20.7V21.7C5.95492 17.1947 13.2331 14.7862 20.7 14.85C28.1591 14.7846 35.4328 17.174 41.4 21.65" fill="#B2B2B2"/>
<p>Made with ❤️ by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Ura Design</a><br>
Contribute on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">GitHub</a></p>
<p> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Von Ura Design</a> mit ❤️ gebastelt<br>
Mitwirken: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">GitHub</a></p>


@ -21,13 +21,13 @@
<path d="M213.667 35.2033C213.667 32.5973 213.021 30.6263 211.729 29.2906C210.437 27.9549 208.791 27.287 206.793 27.287C204.556 27.287 202.764 28.0582 201.418 29.6004C200.071 31.1426 199.398 33.2708 199.398 35.9855C199.398 38.5705 200.066 40.6721 201.402 42.2898C202.737 43.9081 204.534 44.7169 206.793 44.7169C208.944 44.7169 210.735 43.9999 212.169 42.5664L210.442 40.6446C209.443 41.6436 208.248 42.1429 206.858 42.1429C205.599 42.1429 204.55 41.6815 203.715 40.7583C202.878 39.8358 202.406 38.6137 202.297 37.0935H213.57C213.635 36.4416 213.667 35.8117 213.667 35.2033ZM202.265 34.682C202.351 33.0534 202.807 31.8314 203.633 31.0173C204.458 30.2028 205.511 29.7955 206.793 29.7955C207.857 29.7955 208.785 30.1815 209.578 30.9521C210.371 31.7233 210.778 32.967 210.8 34.682H202.265V34.682Z" fill="white"/>
<p class="pt-2 hitline bold">plug & play logos</p>
<p class="pt-2 hitline bold">Logos direkt aus der Box</p>
<p>Build MVP products and get work done without worrying about a logo. Download a logo from our library and get started, or <a href="#form">name a price</a> to get an exclusive logo for you, made by us at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Ura</a>.</p>
<p>Erstelle MVP-Produkte und erledige deine Arbeit, ohne dich um ein Logo zu kümmern. Lade ein Logo aus unserer Sammlung herunter, oder <a href="#form"> nenne uns dein Budget </a>, um ein maßgeschneidertes Logo zu erhalten, das von uns <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Ura</a> erstellt wurde.</p>
<div class="pt-2 pb-2">
<a class="button-free mt-2" href="#free">Get a free logo</a>
<a class="button-premium mt-2" href="#form">Get a custom logo</a>
<a class="button-free mt-2" href="#free">Freie Logos</a>
<a class="button-premium mt-2" href="#form">Dein eigenes Logo?</a>


@ -9,16 +9,16 @@ layout: de
<path d="M19.0992 8.34485C12.9268 8.34485 11.3733 14.2088 11.3733 19.1793C11.3733 24.1514 12.9252 30.0137 19.0992 30.0137C25.2731 30.0137 26.825 24.1482 26.825 19.1793C26.825 14.2072 25.2731 8.34485 19.0992 8.34485ZM19.0992 12.4283C19.3501 12.4283 19.5786 12.4667 19.7944 12.5242C20.2387 12.9078 20.4561 13.44 20.0293 14.1832L15.9187 21.7908C15.7924 20.8271 15.7732 19.8809 15.7732 19.1793C15.7732 16.9897 15.9235 12.4283 19.0992 12.4283ZM22.1773 15.9333C22.3963 17.1016 22.4251 18.3194 22.4251 19.1777C22.4251 21.3673 22.2748 25.927 19.1007 25.927C18.8514 25.927 18.6197 25.8998 18.4055 25.8487C18.3656 25.8327 18.3272 25.8183 18.2872 25.8087C18.2233 25.7896 18.153 25.7704 18.0923 25.7432C17.3858 25.4427 16.9399 24.8946 17.5824 23.9228L22.1773 15.9333Z" fill="black"/>
<path d="M19.0593 0.356812C13.873 0.356812 9.50184 2.174 5.93778 5.82597C4.13497 7.63996 2.7573 9.71127 1.79995 12.0207C0.864988 14.3062 0.399902 16.6892 0.399902 19.1776C0.399902 21.6868 0.864988 24.0714 1.79995 26.3361C2.73492 28.6008 4.09182 30.6353 5.87225 32.4509C7.67506 34.2426 9.70002 35.6234 11.9487 36.5872C14.2198 37.5301 16.5884 38 19.0593 38C21.5317 38 23.9339 37.5141 26.2497 36.5504C28.564 35.5851 30.6289 34.1994 32.4557 32.387C34.2153 30.6641 35.5466 28.6839 36.4353 26.4432C37.3479 24.1817 37.7986 21.7572 37.7986 19.1808C37.7986 16.6268 37.3495 14.2071 36.4369 11.944C35.5243 9.66013 34.1881 7.63996 32.4301 5.86912C28.7574 2.18999 24.2919 0.356812 19.0593 0.356812ZM19.1376 3.74347C23.3665 3.74347 26.9753 5.2522 29.98 8.27606C31.428 9.73365 32.5372 11.399 33.2931 13.2609C34.0491 15.1213 34.4327 17.0935 34.4327 19.1792C34.4327 23.5056 32.9623 27.0937 30.0471 29.9609C28.532 31.4424 26.8315 32.5788 24.9392 33.3619C23.0692 34.1435 21.1434 34.5318 19.1376 34.5318C17.111 34.5318 15.1724 34.1499 13.3232 33.3859C11.4757 32.6044 9.81829 31.4824 8.34792 30.0232C6.87754 28.5449 5.74439 26.8747 4.94368 25.0128C4.16534 23.13 3.76418 21.1914 3.76418 19.1744C3.76418 17.1351 4.16534 15.1836 4.94368 13.3217C5.74439 11.439 6.87914 9.74963 8.34792 8.24729C11.2631 5.249 14.8639 3.74347 19.1376 3.74347Z" fill="black"/>
<p class="p-1 feature"><strong>Public Domain Logos</strong></p>All logos below are in the public domain (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CC0</a>). Download any logo for free unlimited times for any usage. No attribution required.
<p class="p-1 feature"><strong>Logos in der Gemeinfreiheit</strong></p>Alle Logos hier sind in der Gemeinfreiheit (Public Domain) (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CC0</a>). Lade beliebige Logos herunter, egal für welchen Zweck. Eine Zuschreibung / Attribution ist nicht notwendig.
<div class="col-sm pt-2">
<svg width="40" height="38" viewBox="0 0 40 38" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M18.3076 1.2226C18.8403 -0.407534 21.1597 -0.407532 21.6924 1.2226L25.1938 11.9374C25.4321 12.6664 26.1153 13.16 26.8863 13.16H38.2171C39.9409 13.16 40.6577 15.3533 39.263 16.3608L30.0962 22.9829C29.4725 23.4334 29.2115 24.2321 29.4498 24.9611L32.9512 35.6759C33.4839 37.306 31.6074 38.6615 30.2128 37.6541L21.046 31.032C20.4223 30.5814 19.5777 30.5814 18.954 31.032L9.7872 37.6541C8.39257 38.6615 6.51611 37.306 7.04881 35.6759L10.5502 24.9611C10.7885 24.2321 10.5275 23.4334 9.90378 22.9829L0.736952 16.3608C-0.657677 15.3533 0.0590694 13.16 1.78293 13.16H13.1137C13.8847 13.16 14.5679 12.6664 14.8062 11.9374L18.3076 1.2226Z" fill="black"/>
<p class="p-1 feature"><strong>Get a Custom Logo</strong></p>Need to own the rights to your logo and want to fleshen out your visual identity? <a href="#form">Name a price and we will help you</a>!
<p class="p-1 feature"><strong>Hol dir dein eigens Logo</strong></p>Du willst ein eigenes Logo und brauchst auch dessen Rechte besitzen? <a href="#form">Nennen dein Budget</a> und wir werden dir dein maßgeschneidertes Logo entwerfen!
<div class="col-sm pt-2">
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="-497 263.9 40 38" width="40" height="38"><path d="M-458.044 263.944h-37.91v37.91h12.18l.014-.028s3.847-10.373 4.36-11.137c0 0-4.43-1-4.305-8.235s5.666-10.915 5.666-10.915-.972 5.555 3.43 7.6c0 0 4.236 1.208 4.166 5.47-.083 4.263-2.736 5.54-4.097 4.083 10.4 4.347 11.096l12.15.014z"/></svg>
<p class="p-1 feature"><strong>Unterstützung Open Source Design</strong></p>Up to 50% of proceeds are donated to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Open Source Design</a>, continuing to support design intiatives in open source.
<p class="p-1 feature"><strong>Unterstütze Open Source Design</strong></p>Mit dem Ertrag helfen wir auch <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Open Source Design</a>, was weiterhin Design in Open Source unterstützt.